Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Omega Free Oc-Admin Osclass Theme

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Latest version of theme can always be found in latest osclass version

First and only one free oc-admin backoffice theme for osclass brings fresh new layout, redesigned navigation menu perfect login page and much more!

Free Oc-Admin Osclass Backoffice Theme

Easy and intuitive layout turns your osclass backoffice from archaic oc-admin and helps you to manage classifieds much more effective:

  • intuitive design
  • fine colors
  • new navigation menu (collapsed - only icons visible, 50px width; expanded - icons and text visible, 210px width)
  • redesigned top bar menu with notifications
  • osclass market links and feeds partially removed or replaced
  • beautiful login page
  • smart footer


As osclass does not support uploading and changing oc-admin backoffice themes by default, it still has functionality to switch themes.

In order to install theme please download Oc-Admin Themes Uploader for Osclass Plugin that allows you to upload, activate, change or remove backoffice theme.


Backoffice themes for osclass are not able to translate itself, but it does not mean they cannot be translated at all. In order to translate oc-admin theme:

  • go to file: oc-content/languages/{your_locale}/core.po
  • update file from core OR add missing strings manually
  • refresh .mo file after save


Something crazy happened and your oc-admin is down? No worry it's easy to revert back to default theme.

  • Login to your database
  • Go to table _t_preference
  • Find row where s_section = 'osclass' and s_name = 'admin_theme' and change s_value into modern (from omega)
  • (optional) remove folder oc-admin/themes/omega

support and compatibility

Theme is designed for osclass 3.8, however there are no changes in backoffice in several last versions, therefore it should work properly for all 3.* versions.

Note: Do not upload into osclass as standard front-office theme, use backoffice theme uploader plugin or extract directly into oc-admin/themes folder!

Note: This theme will work with latest version of Osclass only, therefore it does not make too much sense to download it. Theme will not work on older versions of osclass or other osclass branches!

Product features and functionality

Vertical navigation menu
Font Awesome (icons) integration
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product is without support. What to do in case of problems?

Check documentation for Osclass related questions
Use support forums
Consider using premium/paid product that includes support
Hire developer

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 10 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (519 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 20 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (cz)
Osclass Support (sk)
Osclass Support (en)
For questions on free products please use support forums
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Changelog - Product updates history

3.1.3 Functionality update for Osclass 4.4, many bugs fixed, new sections added, admin color scheme added.
3.1.2 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, osclass 4.3 feature updates, additional minor fixes
3.1.1 Updates to align with osclass 4.2.2
3.1.0 Different updates for new osclass version
3.0.0 Includes all new functionalities of osclass 4.2 release
2.0.1 Merge all updates made in osclass 4.1 in backoffice
2.0.0 Major release, require osclass 4.0 or higher
1.1.0 First bigger revision that fix numerous design issues and removing osclass market connections at all
1.0.1 Several design issue fixed
1.0.0 Initial release
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Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 4 reviews

Review by Bob Stewart on 18. Apr 2021

5.0 - Excellent
Hi I am exploring OSClass for the first time and have a problem with the free admin theme. It shows an error message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare omg_replace_gui() (previously declared in /homepages/23/d864631904/htdocs/Practitioners_Index/oc-admin/themes/omega/functions.php:6) in /homepages/23/d864631904/htdocs/Practitioners_Index/oc-content/themes/omega/functions.php on line 5 Is there a fix or do I have to buy an admin theme to complete my evaluation?
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Remove omega theme folder from oc-content/themes folder, it is not front-office theme

superb hard working team by Harsha on 3. Jan 2020

5.0 - Excellent
best admin theme so we can say our customer to this is not a normal os class cheesy thank you

not responsive by taktaz on 5. Oct 2019

3.0 - Good
The template is not responsive
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you, unfortunately for now we do not plan to make this theme responsive.

Excellent by Maks on 20. Mar 2019

5.0 - Excellent
Thank you! Everything works fine!
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Happy to hear that wink
Single Domain License
5.0 - Excellent Based on 4 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
Premium support services
Top rated product
Download v3.1.3
Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

10 updates
Product version: 3.1.3 Older versions
Last update: 3 years ago
Osclass support: 4.4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 20. Mar 2019
Folder name: omega